The RUSSIAN GRAIN COMPANY MEGAPOLIS-TRADE PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION offers to purchase WHOLESALE food wheat 2,3,4 classes, fodder (grade 5). gost.
Grain of class 3 with gluten from 23%, in kind from 760, protein from 13.5 %
Grain of class 4 with cl from 18-21%, nature from 730, protein from 12.5 %
Grain of class 5 with cl from 14%, nature from 720, protein from 10 %
Packing bags or bulk.
We organize the delivery of products on the territory of the Russian Federation, by motor transport,
by railway transport. Export to Belarus, Ukraine, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Greece, Sweden, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Alexandria. Delivery by ship.
Payment terms:cashless payment, prepayment. The price is indicated with VAT 10 %
Shipment of products is possible around the clock.
PRICES are negotiated. Ready for discussion.
In the request for products, a big request is to specify the required volume, if delivery is required – the shipping location, contact phone number, other wishes.
General characteristics
Country of origin
Russia ⠀
Nutritional value
Calorie content 100 g "Cereals"
compose 305 kCal / 1276,12 KJ.
Fats — 2,2 g
Proteins — 11,8 g
Carbohydrates — 59,5 g
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